Monday, July 23, 2007

Deathmatch Part 2

This post is somewhat of a follow up to my previous post about Doom and Gears of War deathmatching...

Over the weekend, I played many, many, rounds of Doom Deathmatch. In that period of time, I discovered ZDoom's mouse aiming feature! Man, did I ever feel like an idiot when I found out that most Doomers use it! Ever since then, my gameplay experience has been better than ever. I still prefer the old school controls for single-player, but in the fast paced world of Deathmatch, it's almost necessary to use the "W, A, S, D + Mouse" control scheme.

Another great thing I learned over the weekend is that Gears of War is not only going to be ported to Windows Vista, but also Windows XP! That's really good for us that don't want the hassle of being forced by the Evil Empire of Microsoft to upgrade. I'll probably be even better in the PC version of the game, so my buddy Jake better watch his back :)

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